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Bourbon salmon
Chicken enchiladas
Sicilian meatloaf on plate
Bistro To Go Classic June 2020
Tuscan chicken
Welcome to Biggerstaff's

Biggerstaff's bistro To go

Bistro to Go returns in June with classic entrees prepared for your freezer  at our new location, 35 North Stratton Street, Gettysburg.


Bistro to Go


Ready-to-Heat & Eat Entrees
tuesdays in june beginning June 2
order on a Tuesday, pick up the following tuesday

In Racehorse Alley behind the Gettysburg Fire Department


Enjoy a well-prepared protein dish, casserole or main course from your own freezer with Biggerstaff's Bistro To Go Classic. Stacey and her staff prepare delicious entrees that you can prepare at home when time is short. Tell your friends and get an extra free meal when they mention your name with their orders.


Meals are prepared for 2-3 people or 4-6 people. Select 6 meals, 12 meals or more in multiples of 6. Meals come frozen in foil containers. Pay with cash, check or credit card at pick-up.


Select from the entrees and sides below

Call 717-334-3855 or email to

Order on a Tuesday and pick up the following Tuesday

Racehorse Alley behind the Gettysburg Fire Department, 35 North Stratton Street



  • Honey Garlic Lime Marinated Chicken Breasts

  • Italian Marinated Chicken Breasts

  • Tuscan Chicken

  • Stuffed Center Cut Pork Chops (colonial bread filling)

  • Chicken Enchiladas

  • Creamy Pesto Chicken Pasta (can be vegetarian)

  • Bourbon Glazed Salmon

  • Stuffed Peppers

  • Sicilian Meatloaf (stuffed with ham & mozzarella)

  • Pulled Pork BBQ

  • Cheese Tortellini with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce (vegetarian)



  • Dinner Rolls: Pack of 6 or 12: $6 or $12, includes butter

  • Jumbo Gourmet Cookies, 6 or 12: $15 or $25​

    • Double Chocolate, Chocolate Chunk, Salted Caramel or Lemon Blueberry




$135 for 6 meals (2-3 people)

$270  for 12 meals (2-3 people)

$270 for 6 meals (4-6 people)

$495 for 12 meals (4-6 people)

  • Entrées prepared for your freezer. You finish cooking when it suits your schedule.

  • Cooking instructions provided.

Check back for information on future Bistro To Go Classics

 Follow Biggerstaff's on Facebook


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